Crunchy Broccoli and Feta Salad

One of the things I love about summer (I know it’s not quite summer yet, but it’s on my mind), is all the comings and goings, the possibilities and options of places to go and see and explore. There is so much to do that you can easily be gone all day everyday if you chose to.

I love taking the kids out whether it be to the zoo, Heritage Park or checking out a new park in the city. One of the challenges and things I really don’t enjoy so much, is packing lunch for the day. Snacks are easy enough but I find that peanut butter sandwiches are only exciting for so long and then we need something new. I also like things that are ready to grab and go so packing lunch takes no time at all. I also like variety; so salads, things with vegetables and different flavours and textures. Makes the trip more enjoyable cause you’re looking forward to lunch, and life more exciting!

So I usually prepare ahead of time and freeze, muffins and cookies to take or other meals that are easy to make ahead and just grab the day of. That’s why I was very excited when I discovered this broccoli salad recipe. It’s fresh, crisp, has a zippy flavour and is lovely on a summer day. Plus I love feta cheese! and though I am dairy free, I discovered that goat feta is ok for me as it is not considered dairy as it does not come from a cow. (And if it makes a difference to you make sure you check the label when you are buying it – I had no idea that you could have cow feta until someone pointed it out to me, I just assumed they were all goat). Which I say thank God to that! Cause I love feta!

Crunchy Broccoli and Feta Salad

1 bunch broccoli

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp wine vinegar

2 tsp dijon mustard

1 clove garlic, minced

1/4 tsp. each sea salt and pepper

1 cup crumbled feta cheese (I use goat feta as it is considered a non-dairy because it does not come from a cow)

1 cup grape or cherry tomatoes, halved

1/2 c. red onion, very thinly sliced

Cut broccoli into florets. Peel and cut stems into 1/4″ thick slices.

Pour enough water into saucepan to come 1″ up side and bring to a boil. Place broccoli in steamer basket in saucepan; cover and steam until bright green but still crisp – about 1 minute. (Do not overcook! I have made the mistake a couple of times of leaving it too long and ended up with mushy broccoli and it does not taste so good in the salad. One minute is really all you need). Drain water.

In a large bowl, whisk together oil, vinegar, mustard, garlic, salt and pepper. Add broccoli, feta, tomatoes and onion. Toss to coat.

Can be made a head and refrigerated.

Welcome to my Fairy Garden

A couple of weeks ago I taught a class for children about fairies. It was a great experience and the kids loved it! We got to play outside, do sketches, learn more about fairies and how they help us and make Fairy Houses!

Making the Fairy Houses was the part that everyone enjoyed the most, including me! I even had one of the staff members from the store come in just to join us to make them. The boys worked diligently and it was neat to watch what everyone created. I had provided a variety or materials for them such as popsicle sticks, twigs, glass beads, tin foil, etc. to create whatever they wanted.

I was really excited about these Fairy Houses as I had seen some in Greengate Garden Center and thought it was a fabulous idea. They had all kinds with miniatures to add, but I found them to be expensive. Then when I was searching on the internet I found ideas to make your own and I liked how they used natural materials to make them. This was also a less expensive way to go and I could easily make more than one. So I incorporated into my class.

Unfortunately I did not get a chance to finish it in the class so I brought it home incomplete. I had intentions of getting back to it to finish it up but seemed to be unable to. Finally yesterday I sat down with the twins while they played play doh (I love that stuff) and finished making my house. I was very happy with how it turned out and immediately put it out in the garden. Now when I go by and see it it makes me smile and the kids love it too. I think we might just have to make some more…



It’s So Crazy Busy around Here! Let’s add another project!

Things in my life lately have been super busy. I know there is busy and that can sometimes be the rhythm of life but then there is insanely busy. So busy that you fall into bed at night having left the dishes incomplete, the toys all over the floor and the laundry thrown on the couch. All because you just cannot do one more thing.

For the past few weeks that has been my life, my house. So much on the go and then with a few wrenches thrown in it has left me spinning and becoming behind in things or just not doing them altogether. Some of you may have noticed I did not post at all here for 3 weeks.  It was one of those things I let go, I had to, other things like eating and keeping a somewhat tidy space came first (this was more for my own sanity really).

The problem is when we do things like this, like let go of the things we really love and enjoy when we get busy, things suffer all around. I actually find that if I stop and write for a bit or sit outside and read for half an hour, somehow I get it all done, plus a bit more, in the same amount of time.

Anyway I digress. I find also that in these times when I am busy and feeling like I am spinning out of control (or have no control), I look around my house and decide that something needs to change. And change right now!

This is what I did yesterday. I have been thinking for a while about redoing the kitchen cupboards in my kitchen. They are the cheap MDF cabinets with a plastic covering that have now yellowed and started to peel and chip. My neighbor has the same cabinets and had redone hers years ago by simply peeling off the plastic and then painting them. They look great.

So yesterday while I was getting ready to take the kids out to appointments, packing snacks and lunch, cleaning up from breakfast…I looked at those cupboards, stopped everything and started peeling off plastic. I enlisted the help of my oldest and then we were both peeling it off. The twins screaming with enthusiasm and delight about the ‘new cupboards’.

After our appointment we stopped at Rona and got the painting supplies cause I was starting that night! Yes I had lunch to make for school, bread, dinner, dishes, and a blog post, but the cupboards took priority. And for some reason it had to be done now! Today – all the other things were pushed to the wayside.

Did I really have time to do this? Should I have taken it on? Absolutely not, but it made me feel better. And all the frustration and excess energy I had from the past few weeks was now being poured into this project.

Is it done? No 🙂 I had to stop and make meals, clean up, sleep etc. but I will finish it throughout the week and if not I heard it is supposed to rain this long weekend (which sucks for the campers but will work great for me if I am inside painting).

Playing with the Fairies

As a child, growing up fairies were not uncommon. They were in our books and stories and parents would often refer to them as helpers of some kind or another. Magical, whimsical creatures that are playful and fun, yet can also be mischievous.

As I grew up I never thought much about it until I embarked on my spiritual path and started learning more about Angels, Fairies and other realms. It’s all pretty fascinating and if you choose to believe and work with them, can be quite magical.

Fairies are the protectors of animals and the environment. They are wonderful healers, helpers and help us to remember the importance of play. Though they are the most abundant outside they can also reside inside as well. They love lush, wild and natural gardens and will help you create a beautiful garden if you wish (among many other things).

Children especially can relate to and connect with the Fairies. Because they are so open, creative, imaginative and accepting with pure hearts full of love, the fairies often easily connect with children.

A great way to welcome fairies to your garden or home is to create fairy houses – and whether you choose to believe in them or not, this is a great craft for the kids that is lots of fun and can add wonderful decor to your garden.

In fact I taught a class a number of years ago with children about fairies and we made our own fairy houses. In a class full of only boys, they were so focused and engaged for 45 minutes! making their houses with great attention and detail. I was also so excited about it I started my own fairy house.

You can make your house out of pretty much anything but here’s what you need to get started:

popsicle sticks

white glue

glue gun (kids use with adult supervision)

small glass beads – clear or colored 



acorns or pinecones

play doh or clay

small pieces of bark

small stones

tin foil

For the base you can either make four walls out of popsicle sticks or you can take twigs and glue crossing over each other, log cabin style. This is how I started my house and then made a popsicle stick roof. Basically what you want to do is create a base for your house, four walls and a roof and then decorate it adding in things like a stone chimney (toilet paper roll with small stone glued to it and put on the roof), glass beads to outline doors and windows, clay to cover the roof and give it texture, etc. Get creative!


You can either have the kids sit down and design their house first on paper or if they like to create as they go along that works too. What I did was take the kids outside to create their design and then gather materials to make their house. They gathered things like leaves, twigs and small stones – I had brought old branches from my raspberry bush – to make their houses. The more natural materials you can use the better as the fairies will appreciate it! Also ensure that you are not picking live things to create your house, gather things that are already on the ground.

Whatever the kids come up with will be beautiful and appreciated. You can also make a house within your garden by building around existing trees and bushes, setting up paths, etc. And the fun part is putting it in your garden and then watching for signs of the fairies coming there!

*Note: if you are putting your homemade fairy house outside you’ll need to use a sealer once you are done building to make it waterproof, so that it is protected in the rain.

Would you like to learn more about the Fairies? Join me live on April 14th for a free workshop all about the Fairies!


For more information and ideas on how to make a fairy house check out these websites

Learn more about the Fairies in Fairies 101 by Doreen Virtue. This is a very easy read and a great introduction to them and what they are all about.

If only I had had this when…

It’s an interesting world out there. Things are changing and shifting, people are moving into different lifestyles, healthier, more active and for many of us, looking to slow down and become less busy! Enjoy more leisure time and be able to enjoy it -meaning having your health and the energy to do so.

We have definitely made a number these lifestyle changes at our house, the biggest one being the elimination of sugar, which was not an easy task. It was a huge learning curve and a big revamp of what we ate and how we made it. I learned all about the difference between refined and natural sugars, what substitutes to use in recipes, as well as the effects of sugar on our bodies. It was a huge undertaking and I did it all at once! Which may have not been the smartest plan but we learn.

I have noticed though that more and more people and families are also starting to reduce or eliminate the amount of sugar in their diets, recognizing the negative effects they have on our bodies, behavour, immune system, sleep, etc. I have also noticed that more articles on the topic are appearing in magazines, health practitioners are encouraging it and more resources are becoming available to help support families in this decision to enjoy a healthier lifestyle without sugar.

Recently I discovered a book titled Beat Sugar Addiction Now! For Kids. This is a wonderful book and one that I wish had been published when I was eliminating sugar in our house. It not only provides background and scientific research as to why we should eliminate sugar and what it’s effects are but it provides a step by step program for parents to eliminate sugar in the kids diets.

Their plan is a gradual process of eliminating sugar, not straight across the board like I did and honestly I would not recommend the way I did it, unless you had to for some reason. They do it a step at a time, reducing or eliminating a little bit, making small but consistent changes so that the kids can get used to it. They also say this aids in reducing the withdrawal symptoms and the fights and tantrums you could experience on a much lesser scale. Therefore being easier on you the parent as well as the child.

They provide tips on how to talk to your child about it and divide it into different age groups, as well as suggestions as to what to use for substitutes. They also talk about how to get your spouse on board, handle peer pressure and ways to help them follow the rules away from home. (I have found this to be my biggest challenge with my oldest son. He has no problems at home with how and what we eat or even when we visit relatives, but the challenge is when he goes to school and is ‘surrounded’ by all the processed and sweet treats that all the other children have. As though there are more and more people who are making these choices as well there are still many who aren’t. It makes it extremely hard for Matthew and sometimes he succumbs to the pressure. I wish I had had these tips when we began. Though we can implement them now it would have been easier to have them from the beginning).

I think it’s great that this book (and other resources) are becoming more available. It certainly makes it easier to make these changes when you have a guide or someone to share the experience with – support. It also helps the kids to recognize that the world is coming along too, simply meaning that they are not alone. As I know that is often how Matthew feels, like he is the only one and that he is being denied something that everyone else can have. But when he sees that more and more people are doing it, more options and that the world is ‘jumping on the train’ then it makes it easier.

I have often told Matthew that we are being leaders in this no sugar journey and that sometimes it is challenging to be the first, but that the rest of the world will catch on. He just kind of sighs and it doesn’t make him feel better but he accepts it, even if only a little. When things like this, the book or other written materials, come out to support what we are doing it is really helpful for all of us.

My point is if you are considering reducing or eliminating sugar consumption in your family’s diet that this book Beat Sugar Addiciton Now is a great resource and I would highly recommend using it.

If you do or have already embarked on the journey of eliminating sugar please come back and leave a comment here, sharing your story. Forming a sense of community and support is also key to being successful. Often times as well people have great tips and experiences to share as well as yummy recipes!